
String is a sequence of characters enclosed within single quotes (”), double quotes (” “), or triple quotes (”’ ”’). It is a built-in data type used to represent textual data.
Strings are immutable, which means they cannot be modified after they are created. However, you can perform various operations on strings to manipulate and extract information from them.

Examples of string operations in Python:

String Creation: 

Strings can be created using single quotes ( ), double quotes ( ), or triple quotes ( ”’ or “””)





String Concatenation:

You can concatenate two or more strings using the + operator.

String Repetition:

Strings can be repeated using the * operator.


Accessing/indexing characters :

You can access individual characters in a string by using indexing. In Python, indexing starts from 0. For example:




String Slicing:

You can extract a substring from a string by using slicing. Slicing allows you to specify a range of indices to extract. For example:






Determination of Length:

You can determine the length of a string using the len() function. For example:



Update and Delete String:

Strings are immutable which means elements of a string cannot be changed once the they are assigned with any values. For example:

  1. If we want to change elements of my_str1[-4:] from “Rana” to “Masud” , it will show error.
  2. If we want to delete elements of my_str1[0:2] , it will show error.
  3. If we want to delete complete string by del, it will delete entire variable

String Membership:

String membership refers to checking whether a substring or a specific character is present in a given string.

You can use the in keyword to check if a substring or character is present in a string. Output will be True if substring or character is present and output will be False in case of absence

You can also use the not in keyword to check if a substring or character is not present in a string. Output will be True if substring or character is not present and output will be False in case of presence.

Here are some examples:

String Partitioning:

String partitioning refers to splitting a string into three parts based on a specified separator. The partition() method is used for this purpose. It returns a tuple containing three elements: the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after the separator.

Basic syntax: string.partition(separator)

We used as separator or Delimiter in below example :

String Functions:

There are several built-in string functions and methods that allow you to manipulate and work with strings efficiently. Here are some common string functions and methods:


  1. str.strip(): Removes white space from beginning & ending.
  2. str.lstrip(): Removes all whitespaces at the beginning of the string.
  3. str.rstrip(): Removes all whitespaces at the end of the string
  4. str.strip(‘character’): Removes character from beginning & ending.


letter case:

  1. str.upper() : Convert the string to uppercase.
  2. str.lower(): Convert the string to lowercase.
  3. str.capitalize(): Capitalize the first letter of the string.
  4. str.title(): Capitalize the first letter of each word.

str.replace(old, new):

Replace occurrences of a substring with another substring.

String Counting:

Count method is a string function that allows you to determine the number of occurrences of a specific substring within a given string. The basic syntax for the count method is as follows:

string.count(substring, start, end)


startswith method is a string function that allows you to check if a given string starts with a specified prefix. The basic syntax for the startswith method is as follows:

string.startswith(prefix, start, end)


endswith method is a string function that allows you to check if a given string ends with a specified suffix. The basic syntax for the endswith method is as follows:

string.endswith(suffix, start, end)


The split() is a string method used to split a string into a list of substrings based on a specified delimiter. The basic syntax for the split() method is:
string.split(separator, maxsplit)

Change String to Time:

def convert_time_to_minutes(time_str):
        hours, minutes = time_str.split('h')
        hours = int(hours.strip())

        if minutes.strip('m '):
            minutes = int(minutes.strip('m '))
            minutes = 0  # Set minutes to 0 if it's an empty string

        total_minutes = hours * 60 + minutes
        return total_minutes
    except ValueError:
        print(f"Invalid time format: {time_str}")
        return None

# Example usage
time_str = "2h 40m"
converted_minutes = convert_time_to_minutes(time_str)
Output: 160 mins


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I am an enthusiastic advocate for the transformative power of data in the fashion realm. Armed with a strong background in data science, I am committed to revolutionizing the industry by unlocking valuable insights, optimizing processes, and fostering a data-centric culture that propels fashion businesses into a successful and forward-thinking future. - Masud Rana, Certified Data Scientist, IABAC

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