Data Preprocessing:

  • Data preprocessing involves cleaning and transforming raw data to make it suitable for analysis.

  • This can include tasks such as removing missing values, scaling numerical features, encoding categorical variables, etc.

  • The goal of data preprocessing is to prepare the data for modeling by ensuring it is in the correct format, free of errors and inconsistencies, and ready for further analysis.

Basic Techniques:

  • Removing unwanted column
  • Removing duplicated value
  • Imputing missing values
  • Encoding categorical variables
  • Removing the outlier
  • Data normalization/scaling
  • Transformation
  • Balancing the data

When to do Preprocessing:

It is generally recommended to perform data preprocessing after splitting the data into training and testing sets. Here’s the corrected order of operations:

  • Split the original dataset into training and testing sets. This should be done before any preprocessing steps.

  • Perform data preprocessing steps, such as handling missing values, encoding categorical variables, feature scaling, or any other necessary transformations, on the training set only. Remember to keep track of the preprocessing steps applied.

  • Apply the same preprocessing steps that were performed on the training set to the testing set. This ensures that the testing set is processed in the same way as the training set, allowing for a fair evaluation of the model’s performance.

  • The main reason for this order is to avoid any data leakage from the testing set into the training set. By preprocessing the data separately for each set, you ensure that the model is trained and evaluated on independent and unbiased data.

  • It’s important to note that some preprocessing steps, such as calculating statistics for imputation or feature scaling, may require information from the entire dataset. In such cases, it is still recommended to calculate those statistics using only the training set and then apply them to both the training and testing sets.

  • Overall, the correct order is to split the data first, then perform preprocessing on the training set, and finally apply the same preprocessing steps to the testing set.

Removing Unwanted Column:

  • Sometimes, we need to remove some columns using .drop() like id column, Serial column etc
import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrame
data = {
    'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'David'],
    'Age': [25, 30, 35, 40],
    'Gender': ['Female', 'Male', 'Male', 'Male'],
    'Salary': [70000, 80000, 90000, 100000],
    'Unwanted_Column': [1, 2, 3, 4]  # This is the column we want to remove

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Remove a single column
df_cleaned = df.drop(columns=['Unwanted_Column'])

# Alternatively, remove multiple columns (e.g., 'Gender' and 'Unwanted_Column')
# df_cleaned = df.drop(columns=['Gender', 'Unwanted_Column'])

Removing Duplicated Value:

  • Use the .duplicated() & .duplicated().sum() method to identify the duplicated rows in your dataset.

  • Once you have identified the duplicates, remove them using the .drop_duplicates() method.

  • This will keep only the first occurrence of each unique value and eliminate subsequent duplicates.

Identify Duplicate Rows:

#Creating dummy dataframe

import pandas as pd

data = {
    'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'Alice', 'Bob', 'David'],
    'Age': [25, 30, 35, 25, 30, 40],
    'City': ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Houston']

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
print("Original DataFrame:")

#Identify Duplicate Rows:

duplicates = df.duplicated()
print("\nDuplicate Rows (Boolean Series):")

duplicates = df.duplicated().sum()
print("\nDuplicate Rows (Boolean Series):")
Original DataFrame:
      Name  Age         City
0    Alice   25     New York
1      Bob   30  Los Angeles
2  Charlie   35      Chicago
3    Alice   25     New York
4      Bob   30  Los Angeles
5    David   40      Houston

Duplicate Rows (Boolean Series):
0    False
1    False
2    False
3     True
4     True
5    False
dtype: bool

Duplicate Rows (Boolean Series):

Display Only Duplicate Rows:

duplicate_rows = df[df.duplicated()]
print("\nDuplicate Rows (DataFrame):")
Duplicate Rows (DataFrame):
    Name  Age         City
3  Alice   25     New York
4    Bob   30  Los Angeles

Remove Duplicate Rows:

df_no_duplicates = df.drop_duplicates()
print("\nDataFrame after removing duplicates:")
DataFrame after removing duplicates:
      Name  Age         City
0    Alice   25     New York
1      Bob   30  Los Angeles
2  Charlie   35      Chicago
5    David   40      Houston

Imputing Missing Values:

  • A null value or missing value in the context of data analysis refers to an absence of data in a dataset.
  • This means that a specific entry or observation for a certain variable (column) is not available or hasn’t been recorded.

Checking the missing value:

  • Import data set
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df_dm = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Data Science/CDS-07-Machine Learning & Deep Learning/06. Machine Learning Model /07_Support Vector Machines/SVM Class /Test_loan_approved.csv')
  • Missing (null) values in a DataFrame and get a summary of them.
# Checking the missing value

summary = df_dm.isnull().sum()

# Checking the missing value of single column

missing_value_single = df_dm.Gender.isnull().sum()
print("\nTotal number of missing value in gender: ",missing_value_single)
Loan_ID                    0
Gender                    13
Married                    3
Education                  0
Self_Employed             32
LoanAmount                22
Loan_Amount_Term          14
Credit_History            50
Loan_Status (Approved)     0
dtype: int64

Total number of missing value in gender:  13
  • Getting the indexes of row where values are missing in specific column using where
missing_index1 = np.where(df_dm.Gender.isnull())  #or

missing_index2 =np.where(df_dm.Gender.isnull()==True)
(array([ 23, 126, 171, 188, 314, 334, 460, 467, 477, 507, 576, 588, 592]),)

 (array([ 23, 126, 171, 188, 314, 334, 460, 467, 477, 507, 576, 588, 592]),)
  • Getting the actual data(row) from the indexes
     Loan_ID Gender Married     Education Self_Employed  LoanAmount  Loan_Amount_Term  Credit_History Loan_Status (Approved)
23   LP001050    NaN     Yes  Not Graduate            No       112.0             360.0             0.0                      N
126  LP001448    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       370.0             360.0             1.0                      Y
171  LP001585    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       700.0             300.0             1.0                      Y
188  LP001644    NaN     Yes      Graduate           Yes       168.0             360.0             1.0                      Y
314  LP002024    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       159.0             360.0             1.0                      N
334  LP002103    NaN     Yes      Graduate           Yes       182.0             180.0             1.0                      Y
460  LP002478    NaN     Yes      Graduate           Yes       160.0             360.0             NaN                      Y
467  LP002501    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       110.0             360.0             1.0                      Y
477  LP002530    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       132.0             360.0             0.0                      N
507  LP002625    NaN      No      Graduate            No        96.0             360.0             1.0                      N
576  LP002872    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       136.0             360.0             0.0                      N
588  LP002925    NaN      No      Graduate            No        94.0             360.0             1.0                      Y
592  LP002933    NaN      No      Graduate           Yes       292.0             360.0             1.0                      Y
  • Getting missing values by loc function based on single column
    Loan_ID Gender Married     Education Self_Employed  LoanAmount  Loan_Amount_Term  Credit_History Loan_Status (Approved)
23   LP001050    NaN     Yes  Not Graduate            No       112.0             360.0             0.0                      N
126  LP001448    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       370.0             360.0             1.0                      Y
171  LP001585    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       700.0             300.0             1.0                      Y
188  LP001644    NaN     Yes      Graduate           Yes       168.0             360.0             1.0                      Y
314  LP002024    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       159.0             360.0             1.0                      N
334  LP002103    NaN     Yes      Graduate           Yes       182.0             180.0             1.0                      Y
460  LP002478    NaN     Yes      Graduate           Yes       160.0             360.0             NaN                      Y
467  LP002501    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       110.0             360.0             1.0                      Y
477  LP002530    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       132.0             360.0             0.0                      N
507  LP002625    NaN      No      Graduate            No        96.0             360.0             1.0                      N
576  LP002872    NaN     Yes      Graduate            No       136.0             360.0             0.0                      N
588  LP002925    NaN      No      Graduate            No        94.0             360.0             1.0                      Y
592  LP002933    NaN      No      Graduate           Yes       292.0             360.0             1.0                      Y

Handling Missing Value:

  • Imputation
  • Dropping


  • Use of fillna() with specific value
#Option 01,Use inplace to change in original Data Frame


# Option 02,Assign to same variable instead of usnig inplace


# Option 03,Only value can be used without value= assignment


Note: all missing value in “Gender” column will be filled by “Male”

  • Find specific value to fill in missing places or NaN
    • For numerical data, if data is normal distribution, mean can be used using .mean()
    • For numerical data, if data is skewed or not a normal distribution, the median can be used using .median()
    • For categorical data, mode can be used using .mode()
    • The .ffill() method, also known as “forward fill,” is used to fill missing values in a dataset by propagating the last valid (non-missing) observation forward to fill the gaps. 
    • The .bfill() method, also known as “backward fill,” is used to fill missing values in a dataset by propagating the next valid (non-missing) observation backward to fill the gaps. 
    • If Data sets are big .dropna() can be used to remove a few rows
    • Using .loc[] function to impute missing on a specific column
# Fill missing value using mean
# Mean = the average value (the sum of all values divided by number of values).

#Option01 & best practice
x = df_dm['LoanAmount'].mean()           


# Fill missing value using median
# Median = the value in the middle, after you have sorted all values ascending.

#Option01 & Best Practice
x = df_dm['CoapplicantIncome'].median()         


# Fill missing value using mode
# Mode = The value that appears most frequently

#Option01 & Best Practice
x = df_dm['Gender'].mode()[0]          

# In case of Mode ,there might more than one mode value , [0] is used to provide first mode value


import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrame with missing values
data = {
    'Date': ['2024-08-01', '2024-08-02', '2024-08-03', '2024-08-04', '2024-08-05'],
    'Temperature': [None, 25, None, 30, None],
    'Sales': [100, None, 150, None, 200]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Apply forward fill (ffill) first
df_filled = df.ffill()

# Apply backward fill (bfill) next to handle any remaining NaNs
df_filled = df_filled.bfill()
# Use of dropna() to remove rows containing null values


#Option02, Creating new DataFrame removing null values
df_dm_new = df_dm.dropna() 
# Using loc function to impute missing on specific column
#.isnull()ensure all columns containing rows only where null value present, 'Credit_History' specified only Credit_History column


Encoding Categorical Variables

Often in machine learning, we want to convert categorical variables into some type of numeric format that can be readily used by algorithms.

There are two common ways to convert categorical variables into numeric variables:

  • Label Encoding: Assign an integer value to each categorical value based on alphabetical order.

For example, suppose we have the following dataset with two variables and we would like to convert the Team variable from a categorical variable into a numeric one:

Using label encoding, we would convert each unique value in the Team column into an integer value based on alphabetical order:

In this example, we can see:

Each “A” value has been converted to 0.

Each “B” value has been converted to 1.

Each “C” value has been converted to 2.

We have successfully converted the Team column from a categorical variable into a numeric variable.

  • One Hot Encoding: Create new variables that take on values 0 and 1 to represent the original categorical values.

Using one hot encoding, we would convert the Team column into new variables that contain only 0 and 1 values.

When using this approach, we create one new column for each unique value in the original categorical variable.

For example, the categorical variable Team had three unique values so we created three new columns in the dataset that all contain 0 or 1 values.

Here’s how to interpret the values in the new columns:

The value in the new Team_A column is 1 if the original value in the Team column was A. Otherwise, the value is 0.

The value in the new Team_B column is 1 if the original value in the Team column was B. Otherwise, the value is 0.

The value in the new Team_C column is 1 if the original value in the Team column was C. Otherwise, the value is 0.

We have successfully converted the Team column from a categorical variable into three numeric variables – sometimes referred to as “dummy” variables.

How to choose technique:

In most scenarios, one hot encoding is the preferred way to convert a categorical variable into a numeric variable because label encoding makes it seem that there is a ranking between values.

The label-encoded data makes it seem like team C is somehow greater or larger than teams B and A since it has a higher numeric value.

This isn’t an issue if the original categorical variable actually is an ordinal variable with a natural ordering or ranking, but in many scenarios, this isn’t the case.

However, one drawback of one hot encoding is that it requires you to make as many new variables as there are unique values in the original categorical variable.

This means that if your categorical variable has 100 unique values, you’ll have to create 100 new variables when using one hot encoding.

Depending on the size of your dataset and the type of variables you’re working with, you may prefer one hot encoding or label encoding.

Python implementation for label encoding

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Data Science/CDS-07-Machine Learning & Deep Learning/04. Data Preprocessing/data.csv')
data.drop('Unnamed: 0',axis=1,inplace=True)
datacopy = data.copy()
datacopy1 = data.copy()
    Gender Married
0      Male      No
1      Male     Yes
2      Male     Yes
3      Male     Yes
4      Male      No
..      ...     ...
609  Female      No
610    Male     Yes
611    Male     Yes
612    Male     Yes
613  Female      No

[614 rows x 2 columns]
     Gender Married
0      Male      No
1      Male     Yes
2      Male     Yes
3      Male     Yes
4      Male      No
..      ...     ...
609  Female      No
610    Male     Yes
611    Male     Yes
612    Male     Yes
613  Female      No

[614 rows x 2 columns]
     Gender Married
0      Male      No
1      Male     Yes
2      Male     Yes
3      Male     Yes
4      Male      No
..      ...     ...
609  Female      No
610    Male     Yes
611    Male     Yes
612    Male     Yes
613  Female      No

[614 rows x 2 columns]
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder


0      0
1      1
2      1
3      1
4      0
609    0
610    1
611    1
612    1
613    0
Name: Married, Length: 614, dtype: int64

Python implementation for one hot encoding:

Approach 1: Using pd.get_dummies() from pandas

  • This approach utilizes pandas.get_dummies() function to one-hot encode the categorical variable.
  • It directly operates on the DataFrame column and returns a DataFrame with the encoded columns.
  • In this case, you are dropping the original column and concatenating the encoded columns to the original DataFrame.


     Gender  Married_Yes
0      Male        False
1      Male         True
2      Male         True
3      Male         True
4      Male        False
..      ...          ...
609  Female        False
610    Male         True
611    Male         True
612    Male         True
613  Female        False

[614 rows x 2 columns]
# With one line code
datacopy1 = pd.get_dummies(datacopy1,columns=['Gender','Married'],drop_first=True)
     Gender_Male  Married_Yes
0           True        False
1           True         True
2           True         True
3           True         True
4           True        False
..           ...          ...
609        False        False
610         True         True
611         True         True
612         True         True
613        False        False

[614 rows x 2 columns]

Approach 2: Using OneHotEncoder from scikit-learn

  • This approach utilizes scikit-learn’s OneHotEncoder to encode the categorical variable.

  • It requires reshaping the input array to a 2D structure before applying fit_transform().

  • The resulting encoded data will be a numpy array.

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
import numpy as np

ohe = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False)

# Reshape the input to a 2D array-like structure
datacopy1_reshaped = np.array(datacopy1.Gender).reshape(-1, 1)

datacopy1_encoded = ohe.fit_transform(datacopy1_reshaped)
array([[0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0.],
       [1., 0., 0.]])

How to choose approaches

  • The choice between the two approaches depends on factors such as personal preference, ease of use, and compatibility with the rest of your code.

  • If we are working with pandas DataFrames and prefer a simpler and more concise solution, pd.get_dummies() can be a good option.

  • However, if you want more control over the encoding process or need to integrate it with other scikit-learn functionality, using OneHotEncoder may be more suitable.

Removing the Outlier:

  • Outlier is an abnormal value or abnormal distance from rest of the data points

Python implementation of finding & imputing outliers

# Importing library

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
%matplotlib inline

# Define dataset

student_age = [22,25,30,33,24,22,21,22,23,24,26,28,26,29,29,30,31,20,45,15]

Find outliers using z-score

# Defining function
outliers = []

def detect_outliers(data):
  threshold = 3 ## 3rd standard deviation from emphirical rule
  mean = np.mean(data)
  std = np.std(data)

  for i in data:
    z_score = (i-mean)/std
    if np.abs(z_score)>threshold:
  return outliers

#Finding outlier using created function


Find outliers using IQR

# sort data
student_age = sorted(student_age)
print("student_age :",student_age)

# calculating q1 & q3
q1,q3 = np.percentile(student_age,[25,75])
print("q1 :",q1,"q3 :",q3)

# calculting iqr
iqr = q3 - q1
print("iqr :",iqr)

# Finding lower bound(min value) and upper bound(max value)
lower_bound = q1 - (1.5*iqr)
upper_bound = q3 + (1.5*iqr)
print("lower_bound :",lower_bound,"upper_bound :",upper_bound)

# Finding outlier
outliers = []

for i in student_age:
  if i<lower_bound or i>upper_bound:

print("outliers :",outliers)

student_age : [15, 20, 21, 22, 22, 22, 23, 24, 24, 25, 26, 26, 28, 29, 29, 30, 30, 31, 33, 45]
q1 : 22.0 q3 : 29.25
iqr : 7.25
lower_bound : 11.125 upper_bound : 40.125
outliers : [45]

Imputing outlier

student_age1.loc[student_age1>upper_bound] = np.mean(student_age1)
0     15.00
1     20.00
2     21.00
3     22.00
4     22.00
5     22.00
6     23.00
7     24.00
8     24.00
9     25.00
10    26.00
11    26.00
12    28.00
13    29.00
14    29.00
15    30.00
16    30.00
17    31.00
18    33.00
19    26.25
dtype: float64

Find & see outlier visually using boxplot

import seaborn as sns

#Before outlier removal
plt.title('Before outlier removal')

#After outlier removal
plt.title('After outlier removal')

Feature Scaling

  • It is a technique to standardize the independent features in data in a fixed range or scale. Thus the name Feature Scaling.

  • Feature Scaling is one of the last steps in the whole life cycle of Feature Engineering.

  • Once we are done with all the other steps of feature engineering, like encoding variables, handling missing values, etc, then we scale all the variable

  • All the data gets squeezed to decimal points between -1 and +1.

Why Feature Scaling?

  • Real Life Datasets have many features with a wide range of values like for example let’s consider the house price prediction dataset.
  • It will have many features like no. of. bedrooms, square feet area of the house, etc.
  • As you can guess, the no. of bedrooms will vary between 1 and 5, but the square feet area will range from 500-2000.
  • This is a huge difference in the range of both features.
  • Without scaling, features with larger units or numerical ranges might dominate the model’s learning process, leading to biased predictions.
  • Some machine learning algorithms, especially those that rely on distance calculations or gradients, are sensitive to the scale of the features. 

Which machine learning algorithm needs scaling?

  • Gradient descent and distance-based algorithms require feature scaling while tree-based algorithms do not require.

Types of Feature Scaling:

  1. Standardization:

    • Standard Scaler
  2. Normalization:

    • Min Max Scaling
    • Mean Normalization
    • Max Absolute Scaling
    • Robust Scaling etc.

01. Standardization:

  • Standardization is a scaling technique where the values are centered around the mean with a unit standard deviation.

  • This means that the mean of the attribute becomes zero and the resultant distribution has a unit standard deviation.

  • Formula of Standardization: z = (x – μ )/σ, where x = values ,μ = mean ,σ = Standard Deviation

  • Scaling technique: StandardScaler

  • Fit_transform to be performed for train data set & transform to be performed for test data set to avoid data leakage

Python Implementation for StandardScaler:

# importing sklearn StandardScaler class which is for Standardization
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

sc = StandardScaler() # creating an instance of the class object
X_new = sc.fit_transform(X)
# plotting the scatterplot of before and after Standardization
plt.title("Scatterplot Before Standardization", fontsize=18)
sns.scatterplot(data = X, color="blue")
#sns.histplot(data=X ,color="red",kde=True)
plt.title("Scatterplot After Standardization", fontsize=18)
sns.scatterplot(data = X_new, color="blue")
#sns.histplot(data=X_new ,color="red",kde=True)

02. Normalization

  • Normalization is to change the values of numeric columns in the dataset to use a common scale, without distorting differences in the ranges of values or losing information.

Min Max Scaling

  • Min-max normalization is one of the most common ways to normalize data.

  • For every feature, the minimum value of that feature gets transformed into a 0, the maximum value gets transformed into a 1, and every other value gets transformed into a decimal between 0 and 1.

  • Min Max Normalization will perform best when the maximum and minimum value is very distinct and known.

  • Formula of Min Max Scaling: Xsc=(X−Xmin)/(Xmax−Xmin)

Python Implementation for MinMaxScaler

# importing sklearn Min Max Scaler class which is for Standardization
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

mm = MinMaxScaler() # creating an instance of the class object
X_new = mm.fit_transform(X) #fit and transforming
# plotting the scatterplot of before and after Min Max Scaling
plt.title("Scatterplot Before Min Max Scaling", fontsize=18)
sns.scatterplot(data = X, color="blue")
plt.title("Scatterplot After Min Max Scaling", fontsize=18)
sns.scatterplot(data = X_new, color="red")

Max Absolute Scaling

  • Scale each feature by its maximum absolute value.

  • This estimator scales and translates each feature individually such that the maximal absolute value of each feature in the training set will be 1.0.

  • It does not shift/center the data, and thus does not destroy any sparsity.

  • This scaler can also be applied to sparse CSR or CSC matrices.

  • Max Absolute scaling will perform a lot better in sparse data or when most of the values are 0.

  • Formula of Max Absolute Scaling: Xsc = X /|Xmax|

Python Implementation for MaxAbsScaler

# importing sklearn Min Max Scaler class which is for Max Absolute Scaling
from sklearn.preprocessing import MaxAbsScaler

ma = MaxAbsScaler() # creating an instance of the class object
X_new = ma.fit_transform(X) #fit and transforming
# plotting the scatterplot of before and after Max Absolute Scaling
plt.title("Scatterplot Before Max Absolute Scaling", fontsize=18)
sns.scatterplot(data = X, color="blue")
plt.title("Scatterplot After Max Absolute Scaling", fontsize=18)
sns.scatterplot(data = X_new, color="red")